Cook Now

It's Shrove Tuesday so here are two of my favourite recipes! Worth cooking on any day as far as I'm concerned. 

Dip into this page for culinary inspiration. It is based around what I am cooking now, so you'll find lots of seasonal supper dishes for two, lunch-time goodies such as soup and a few gooey puddings, along with my favourite cakes, preserves and such like. There are more recipes on the Lucky Dip pages. If you're a twitter fan, you can get an alert from my website, whenever I post a new recipe or feature.    

Seville oranges are in now, so I've posted up three of my favourite recipes, including my chilli marmalade recipe!  

Since good housekeeping is part of being a good cook, look out for recipes that help use up the bits you find in the bottom of the fridge, starting with one of my favourites Potato, bacon and greens cheesy bake which comes from my veg book .  WRAP says a family could save £60 a month by planning their shopping, cooking less and using up left-overs.  As part of my own crusade to 'waste not, want not', see First Take your ham on my Lucky Dip page.  Forgive the photo of my ham and onion tart!

If you're tempted by any of the dishes shown in the photographs on this website, you'll find them listed in the recipe index.  Just click on to the button 'click here for other recipes' at the side of this page. You'll also find recipes in the Lucky dip index if you click on to 'click here for other articles'.

It is currently fashionable for food writers to give very short instructions in recipes as It is widely believed that you, the reader, won't cook a recipe with a long method, no matter how simple the dish. However, there is great pleasure in understanding how and why you do things in cooking, so I'm going to indulge myself by giving you slightly longer instructions here. Old hands can skip the bits they know.

If you have any questions or thoughts, just email me on [email protected].

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 photography © Patrice de Villiers 2008