Damson cheese improves in flavour with age, although I can’t help eating mine within a day. It will keep indefinitely and was traditionally served in the depths of winter with other fruit cheeses and nuts as part of the dessert course at the end of a meal.
It doesn’t matter what weight of fruit you have, just wash thoroughly and discard any leaves. Place in a large saucepan. You don’t need to add any water, but if feeling nervous just add a small dash. Cover and set over a low heat. Simmer gently for 35 minutes, stirring occasionally until meltingly soft, then push through a sieve. Discard the debris of stones and stalks left in the sieve.
Clean your cheese container in the dish washer and leave to steam dry, or wash thoroughly in soapy water, rinse dry in very hot water and leave to dry. I use small rectangle plastic boxes with lids. Once dry, very lightly oil with sunflower oil. This enables you turn out the cheese, if wished.
Measure the damson puree and allow 70g sugar for every 100ml puree. Place in a non-corrosive saucepan and set over a low heat. Stir until the sugar has dissolved, then increase the heat and stir regularly until the puree thickens and holds a trail.
Immediately pour into the sterilised container. Seal once cold.