Pea Frittata

This recipe comes from my latest book  Simply Veg: A Modern Guide to Everyday Eating (see Books). It makes a lovely summer lunch or supper, but I also make it in winter with frozen peas.  You can, if wished, add some herbs such as coriander or basil or even chilli to this recipe.  Serve with crusty bread and a salad.

Serves 2 

3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1 small onion, finely diced

1 clove garlic, finely chopped

¼ teaspoon finely diced peeled ginger root

85g/3oz shelled peas

4 medium eggs, roughly beaten

salt and freshly ground black pepper

2 tablespoons finely grated Parmesan


1  Set an omelette pan or round hob-proof gratin dish over a low heat.  Add the olive oil, and once hot, add the onion, garlic and ginger and fry gently, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes or until soft and golden.


2 Add the peas to the onion and continue cooking for about 3 minutes, or until cooked tender. Meanwhile, break the eggs into a bowl, season with salt and pepper and roughly beat with a fork. 


3  Increase the heat to medium and pour in the eggs.  Sprinkle on the cheese and stir briefly to distribute the peas.  Cook for 2 minutes, then reduce the heat slightly and cook gently for 3-4 minutes.  As soon as the frittata begins to set, loosen it a little around the edges with a spatula or palette knife.  Then carefully slip it on to a plate, invert and return to the pan.  Cook the underside for a further 4 minutes.  Eat hot, warm or cold. 


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