Banana rum ice cream

Every week I have a few bananas that are becoming a bit over-ripe.  Rather than throw them out, I`ve taken to making this very yummy ice cream.  You don`t have to add the rum, but it helps to keep the ice cream soft.  Save the egg whites, as they can be turned into meringues or even marshmallows. To minimise your waste further, save any plastic containers you have from take-aways (as here) or other foods and use as freezer containers.

Serves 4

300ml/11 fl oz double cream

1 vanilla pod, split (optional)

3 ripe bananas, peeled and sliced

juice of one lemon

3 tablespoons rum

4 egg yolks

140g/5oz caster sugar

Place the cream and vanilla pod in a saucepan, bring up to boiling point, then remove from the heat.  

Process the bananas, lemon juice and rum into a puree and set aside.     

Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar until thick and pale, then slowly whisk in the hot cream.   Return to the pan and set over a low heat.   Stir continuously in a figure of eight with a wooden spoon, until the custard thickens enough to coat the back of the spoon. This will take between 10-20 minutes, depending on your confidence.   Don’t let it boil, or the custard will split. If it feels like it’s getting too hot, just lift the pan off the heat and keep stirring.

As soon as it holds a trail, pour into the pureed bananas.  Once cool, cover and chill.

Churn the cold custard according to the instructions for your ice cream machine until it reaches a soft set.   Transfer to a covered container and store in the freezer.   Alternatively, pour into a shallow plastic container, cover and freeze.   Beat with a fork every 40 minutes until you have a smooth, soft-set ice cream.

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