Cherry batter pudding

Sweet cherries are now in the shops, but look out for the later ripening English cherries in late July and early August. 

This is one of those simple traditional British puddings that is perfect for using up orchard fruit such as cherries to plums. It comes from my book National Trust Simply Baking (see Books).  The kirsch just adds a subtle note.  If you are lucky enough to have sour cherries, adjust the sugar to taste.  You can, if you wish, make the batter an hour ahead, but cover and chill until needed.

Serves 4

Butter for greasing

450g/1lb cherries, halved and stoned

3 medium eggs

115g/4oz plain flour, sifted

70g/2½ oz caster sugar, plus 1 tablespoon for sprinkling

250ml/9fl oz full-fat milk

3 tablespoons kirsch


1  Preheat the oven to fan 190ºC/gas 6. Liberally butter a 27cm/11in shallow oval ovenproof dish. 

2  Scatter the halved and stoned cherries over the base of the dish. 

3  Break the eggs into a mixing bowl and, using a wooden spoon, gradually beat in the flour, followed by the sugar, so that it forms a smooth paste.  Gradually beat in the milk and the kirsch, a little at a time, until you have a smooth, creamy batter. 

4  Pour over the cherries and bake for 45 minutes or until the batter has puffed up and is crisp and golden. You may need to turn the dish halfway through baking to ensure that it cooks evenly.  Remove and sprinkle with sugar.  Serve hot, warm or at room temperature.


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